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St. Mary’s High School and the Diocesan schools of Colorado Springs are dedicated to enriching the lives of children so that they may become faithful, healthy, well-rounded individuals who are productive members of society. To fully achieve this goal St. Mary’s High School and the Diocesan schools of Colorado Springs have formed a strategic alliance with one another as the Catholic Schools of Colorado Springs.

What Sets Us Apart

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Independent Catholic High School


2501 E. Yampa St., Colorado Springs, CO 80909

(719) 635-7540

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Diocese Catholic Schools Preschool Through 8th Grade


AVE MARIA CATHOLIC SCHOOL9056 East Parker Road, Parker, CO 80138

(720) 842-5400 

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2410 N. Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80907

(719) 632-5092

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901 N. Logan Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80909

(719) 471-7771

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4925 N. Carefree Circle, Colorado Springs, CO 80917

(719) 591-1566

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SAINT GABRIEL CLASSICAL ACADEMY8755 Scarborough Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80920

(719) 418-5670

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10675 Jaguar Dr., Lone Tree, CO 80124

(303) 799-1036

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1601 Mesa Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80906

(719) 632-1846

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124 First Street, P.O. Box 827, Monument, CO 80132

(719) 481-1855

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St. Mary’s High School FAQs

  • 8:1 Student to Teacher Ratio
  • 11 Students on average per class
  • 137 Years Educating in the Catholic tradition
  • 12 AP and Honors classes
  • 4-Year Engineering Program, Project Lead the Way (PLTW) prepares students for post-secondary study and careers in STEM fields
  • 4 Years of Theology
  • 100% of graduates over the last 5 years accepted to 4-year colleges and universities
  • $7.1 million in college scholarships awarded to 63 students in the class of 2022
  • 90% student participation in sports and activities
  • 14 Sports offered for boys, girls or co-ed
  • 12 Clubs and activities
  • 7,500+ hours of service performed annually in our community

Catholic Tradition

Educating in the Catholic tradition begins with acknowledging parents as the “primary and principal educators” of their children. We seek to partner with parents to educate students in mind, body, and spirit. We seek academic excellence and integrate faith across all subject areas so students recognize the union of faith and reason while coming to understand themselves and the world in the light of Truth. Catholic tradition is rooted in the Sacraments given to us by Jesus, therefore we participate regularly in Mass and Reconciliation.

Critical Thinkers and Leaders

Educating critical thinkers and leaders begins with unwavering commitment to understanding and living the cardinal virtues of prudence, temperance, justice, and fortitude to develop integrity in all facets of life. We strive to imbue students with a keen awareness between the “City of God” and the “City of Man” so students can make ethical, well-reasoned decisions in fearlessly emerging as high-character leaders in society. We challenge students to be curious and thorough as they cultivate a Christ-centric world view.

For the 2023-24 school year, St. Mary’s tuition is $11,900. Tuition covers approximately 75% of annual operating costs.


The cost to educate one St. Mary’s student is $16,000. We are committed to making our Catholic education available to all families, so we discount all students’ tuition by $4,100.

Receive an additional $1,000 discount off tuition (one per student) by completing an online financial form HERE.

Full and two-payment tuition payers will receive a small discount based on payment method.

RaiseRight gift card program reduces your tuition when you purchase gift cards to use at businesses nation-wide. Visit raiseright.com for a list of retailers. 50% of the profit (varies by retailer) on each purchase will be applied to your tuition balance.

Approximately $400,000 awarded annually in additional financial assistance to one-third of our families.

To be eligible, families must apply through FACTS at online.factsmgt.com after January 1, 2023.

Parents Challenge provides up to $2,000 per child to qualifying families. Apply at parentschallenge.org.

ACE Scholarships are provided to low-income parents so they have the freedom to choose the K-12 schools that are best for their children. ACE believes all children should have access to great private schools. Apply at acescholarships.org.

Folds of Honor is a scholarship program available to 100% disabled veterans that covers up to $5,000 in private school tuition. Apply online at foldsofhonor.org.

At St. Mary’s High School, the dress code reflects the Catholic values that we strive to instill in our students; modesty, unity, respect for others, and positive self-worth. The context for our dress code stems from our mission and philosophy of education. St. Mary’s High School seeks to maintain an atmosphere that is conducive to the highest quality of learning and animates the mission of our school. In an effort to maintain structures for students which will help their growth in maturity, personal responsibility and self discipline, St. Mary’s institutes a Dress Code policy that could be simply described as business casual. It is the responsibility of students, parents and staff to implement this code. The school believes that appropriate dress and appearance reflect positive motivation, professionalism, as well as respect for oneself and for the school community.

St. Mary’s High School takes pride in being a community modeled on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the living tradition of the Catholic Church. We do works of service for others as an extension of our love and concern for them. From its very beginning, the Christian community has been known for the way it expresses its love of Christ through love for one another. The Community Outreach program at St. Mary’s High School is meant to be an opportunity to learn how to become better disciples. We want to help train students in the ways and means of “doing unto others” as taught to us in the scriptural example of Jesus Christ, to reinforce in the lives of our students that “whatever you did for one of these least of my brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:39b)

All SMHS students are required to complete a minimum of 150 service hours at non-profit organizations by the time they graduate.

Preschool through 8th FAQs

Catholic Intellectual Tradition

“Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth- in a word, to know himself- so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves.” St. John Paul II

Our Preschool through 8th grade schools provide a Christ-centered community that prioritizes the partnership with parents. We provide a rich academic environment while forming students in truth and reason. Students learn about their faith family ancestors through the study of Saints. They learn how these Saints overcame challenges and grew closer to Christ during their lives.


The Catholic schools in the Diocese of Colorado Springs have adopted the Core Knowledge Curriculum developed by E.D. Hirsh Jr. in 1986 or the Education Plan of St. Jerome Classical School. Teachers are able to set away from secular educational materials to form students who can “read well, speak well, and think well”. Both curriculum plans provide an integrated history and literature track. Students learn about the cultures that provide the foundation for our Western traditions while reading original source documents and quality literature that compliments the history units. We incorporate reason with science to instill a sense of wonder about God’s creation in our students.

Academic Rigor 

Catholic liberal arts education engages children in a lifelong love of learning by teaching them to investigate the meaning and purpose of all created things. Our goal is to form students who think, speak, and write well, preparing them for success in their next level of education

Catholic school tuition covers a large percentage of operating costs, but not all. For the 2023-24 school year:

  • $6,000 on average (will vary depending on school and grade).

About one-third of families receive some sort of financial aid. Sources of aid and amounts distributed will vary by school and family. Aid is available to help all families afford a Catholic education.

Apply through FACTS at online.factsmgt.com beginning January 1, 2023.

Preschool through 8th Grade receive aid through The Bishop’s Scholarship Fund. The Diocese of Colorado Springs awarded $770,000 in scholarships this school year.

Parish Tuition Assistance Funds are available for parishioners.

Full-tuition payers will receive varying discounts depending on the school attended.

Active military parents receive a $100 discount per child enrolled in preschool through 8th grade.

Full-payment (receives discount), 2 payments (receives discount) or monthly payment options available.

Parents Challenge provides up to $2,000 per child to qualifying families. Apply at parentschallenge.org.

ACE Scholarships and the Schmitz Family Foundation Scholarships are provided to low-income parents so they have the freedom to choose the K-12 schools that are best for their children. ACE and Schmitz believes all children should have access to great private schools. Apply at acescholarships.org.

Folds of Honor is a scholarship program available to 100% disabled veterans that covers up to $5,000 in private school tuition. Apply online at foldsofhonor.org.

Students at Catholic Schools wear school uniforms. Research has shown that uniforms instill a sense of pride and are linked to positive student behavior, academic performance, and overall success. Uniforms eliminate a distraction for students and allow teachers to focus on academics.

Our Schools

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